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Success story of Mr. Ngih Paul and family

Updated: Jul 1, 2023

The success story of Mr. Ngih Paul and his family is truly inspiring. Despite facing significant challenges, they have shown resilience and determination to overcome their circumstances.

Mr. Ngih Paul, born blind, has not let his disability hinder his spirit. With the support of his wife, Cicilia Yaje, and their two grandkids, Modestine and Juan who are orphans, they have managed to create a life for themselves. Cicilia Yaje, although dealing with a paralyzed left hand, has been a pillar of strength for the family.

The situation has not been easy for Modestine and Juan, as they lost their parents and now have to take on adult responsibilities at a young age. However, their dedication to helping their grandparents by working in the farm and taking care of household chores is commendable.

Faith in God Charity Missions, thanks to the generous donations received, has played a crucial role in supporting the family. The organization provided essential items such as a bag of rice, red oil, groundnut oil, uniforms, and school supplies for Modestine and Juan. Moreover, they are committed to covering the children's school fees moving forward, ensuring they have access to education. Also, Faith in God Charity Missions is committed to be providing food to them on a monthly basis.

Additionally, Faith in God Charity Missions facilitated Mr. Ngih's visit to the hospital for an eye check-up. This gesture demonstrates the organization's commitment to improving the quality of life for individuals like Mr. Ngih.

The success of Mr. Ngih Paul and his family is a testament to their determination, the support they receive from one another, and the kindness of donors who contributed to Faith in God Charity Missions. It is a story that inspires hope and serves as a reminder of the positive impact we can have on the lives of others through acts of charity and compassion. May the Almighty God bless all the donors of Faith in God Charity Missions and reward them abundantly.

To partner with Faith in God Charity Missions in providing food for the less privileged, visit and select food for the widows and orphans.

20 views6 comments


Jam Anesta
Jam Anesta

They say that money can’t buy you love, and that’s a fact. However, you have shown your love for others through your donation. Thank you for creating a way to help so many people.


Lady Laura
Lady Laura

....and we believe God is not done with this family yet.He gives hope to the hopeless.Thanks to all donors of


Kindness Berinyu
Kindness Berinyu

People are really going through challenges in the community, the little one can offer can go this far only God knows the joy in the hearts of the beneficiaries



When i see people in conditions like the one Pa Ngie's family was in before our arrival i am motivated to do more work so i van save and serve more people living in such conditions. As a volunteer i will keep doing these Work . Thank you Donors for keeping us going.



"As a volunteer, I can vouch for the integrity and effectiveness of this organization. They truly care about the community they serve."

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