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Ginya Cynthia's Success Story

Updated: Jul 1, 2023

We are delighted to share with you the inspiring success story of Ginya Cynthia, who has been positively impacted by Faith in God Charity Missions.

In 2022, we had the privilege of meeting Cynthia, who was facing numerous challenges in her life. As an orphan and single mother, she had dropped out of school due to a lack of financial support. She found herself in a difficult situation with no means of income and no one to turn to for assistance. Despite these hardships, Cynthia remained determined to improve her circumstances.

When Faith in God Charity Missions crossed paths with Cynthia, she expressed her desire to learn a trade, specifically marking and sewing dresses. Recognizing her determination and potential, we supported her by covering the apprentice fee required for her training. This support enabled Cynthia to enroll in the program and embark on her journey towards acquiring valuable skills.

Since then, Cynthia has been diligently pursuing her training in dressmaking. Through her hard work and dedication, she has made remarkable progress, honing her skills in the craft. We are pleased to announce that Cynthia is scheduled to graduate in December 2023, marking a significant milestone in her journey.

To further empower Cynthia and help her establish a sustainable livelihood, Faith in God Charity Missions is committed to providing her with the necessary basic materials to open her own workshop upon her graduation. This support will enable her to utilize her newly acquired skills, generate income, and create a brighter future for herself and her child.

We express our heartfelt gratitude to the generous donors of Faith in God Charity Missions. Your support has played a crucial role in transforming Cynthia's life and providing her with opportunities for personal and professional growth. Your contributions have made it possible for her to pursue her passion and gain financial independence, breaking the cycle of hardship she once faced.

Cynthia's success story is a testament to the impact that your donations have on the lives of those in need. With your continued support, we can empower more individuals like Cynthia, offering them hope, education, and the means to create a better future.

Once again, we extend our deepest appreciation to all the donors who have contributed to Faith in God Charity Missions. Your generosity has made a profound difference in the lives of those we serve.

Thank you.

Faith in God Charity Missions

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3 comentários

21 de ago. de 2023

Acquiring skills is ever the best.

Great initiative by FIGCM 💪


Jam Anesta
Jam Anesta
02 de ago. de 2023

The helping hand that you have held out today, in the form of your donation, will forever be remembered with sheer gratefulness. I wish to say thank you over and over again to donors of Faith In God Charity Missions


27 de jul. de 2023

"I'm so glad to see the impact of your programs. It's heartwarming to know that there are organizations like yours making a real difference in people's lives."

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